Saturday, August 4, 2018


Janie and Tim in the Halifax, Nova Scotia Airport before boarding for Paris/WestJet
Saturday, 4 August 2018
Golden Tulip
Roissy, France/by Charles DeGaulle Airport
Sunny, 93F

Our flight to Paris/CDG was mostly smooth and uneventful on WestJet, an airline we would totally recommend, the best flight in years. They offered a small upgrade so we had a bit more space because the center seat was blocked—there are only 12 seats on the plane like this, but it is not really business class. The first leg was from Toronto to Halifax, and then a 5 ½ hour flight to Paris. We had nonstop snacks and beverages with friendly service. Tim was able to plug in his own Amazon Fire and watch movies using a West Jet app, and I read a book and studied the tour materials till we landed. Since Paris is six hours ahead of EDT, we experienced a bit of jet lag, but this time we used homeopathic jet lag chewable tablets, "No-Jet-Lag." every two hours and felt quite well when we arrived, well enough to board a free shuttle to Aeroville, a new mall with 141 stores—most different from ours in the States, although I saw an H&M, Body Shop, Brighton, Pandora, and so on.  Our main goal was to eat, because the hotel restaurant did not open until 7:30 p.m. and it was only noon, Paris time, 6 a.m. Erie time.  Otherwise, there is not much to walk to in Roissy.

I would say we are a little droopy today, but we know exactly how to take the shuttle to the train, take the train to the Metro, and get to Paris in the morning! Vive la France!

TK’s Takes: The air conditioning is different here, not quite so cool.The elevators in our hotel require the insertion of the room key to operate. Two Coke Zero bottles (12 oz) cost $10 at the hotel bar. He could not sleep on the plane, he could not get comfortable. He says he doesn't sleep well  in his own bed, let alone in an airplane. [Janie's note: he looked like he was sleeping to me, but not for the whole time]

Croissant Heaven in Auchan, a store in Aeroville that one could almost equate with Walmart

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