Wednesday, September 2, 2015

"La Meuse exhume la Grande Guerre"

Erie, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

At the Hotel St. Paul in Verdun, France I spotted this headline, "La Meuse exhume la Grande Guerre" in L'Est Republican, Dimanche, 16 Aout 2015. Valerie told me that I could keep the newspaper.

The article focused on the discovery Thursday, August 13, of some human skeletal remains at Fleury-devant-Douaumont that are believed to be those of a German soldier from World War I. Buttons and other artifacts found at the site confirmed this.

There turned out to be three articles in the paper about the Great War. Besides the one mentioned above, another article was about a conference  with a focus on the environmental heritage of the Great War.

The third article was about a three day biker tour around the Verdun area, including Argonne, the destroyed villages, les Eparges, the Ossuary of Douaumont, and the Sacred Way.  One biker said he was attracted to the region because of the history of the War.

When one examines the battlefields, the memorials, the geography, the churches, the art, the literature, the music, and more, one gets a sense of the impact of the Great War on the psyche of France.

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