to Ishaan Tharoor in the Washington Post, article entitled “The
assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the drumbeats of war” today, June
28, 2014, “What happened next, as Winston Churchill put it, was a ‘drama never surpassed.’ Ferdinand's death
presented leading statesmen in Europe's great powers both a crisis and an
opportunity and led to a dizzying series of diplomatic maneuvers, secret
negotiations and political escalations that underlay the explosive opening of
World War I. A web of alliances between Europe's competing empires -- a 'concert' -- led to Russia coming in on the side of the
Serbs, Germany countering Russia, and Britain, France and the waning Ottoman
Empire also entering the fray.”
the past several weeks I have restarted my effort to learn the history of World
War I so that I can write the story of Private Russell Archie Harvey, my grand